Появились новые борцы с малваром :
EstDomains, Inc, a US-based domain name Registrar,
officially declares opposition to malware mongers in order to protect Internet users from attacks on their computers or stealing of their important data. EstDomains, Inc pays special attention to domain name holders' private data protection and secure money transaction operations. It can be said in all modesty that EstDomains, Inc has succeed in protecting its customers from any possible occurrence of fraudulence or cracking. However, being an eminent member of interactive community,
EstDomains, Inc management along with other giants of online industry continues its struggle against malicious software distribution and is giving its best to work out even more efficient solutions for detecting malware sources.
а вот по теме сегодняшнего переполоха:
The EstDomains, Inc management does not deny the fact that no one is secured from having a customer who uses provided services for delinquent purposes. But it must be noted that the carefully planned infrastructure of EstDomains, Inc makes the special provision for the cases of malware distribution that may originate from the domain name registered under the company's name.
Such domain names are suspended immediately along with domain holder's account if there is an evidence of malware presence on the web site.
и еще ништяки, на десерт:
In addition to the constant monitoring of its infrastructure, EstDomains, Inc has created a unique system that allows reveal direct malware sources along with potentially dangerous web sites. Further, the detailed reports with warnings are sent to hosting companies and Registrars in order to notify them about the threat and to ask for the measures to be taken. In addition to independently lead investigations, EstDomains, Inc relies on the information available from such influential anti-malware organizations and listings as webhelper4u.net, malwaredomainlist.com, hosts-file.net, malwaredomains.com, malwarebytes.org and many others.
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