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What’s with the spam?
Ever since I installed a stronger security code to Jcink Forum Boards, everyone has had a clear ride from spambots. I haven’t had ONE report of a member spambot getting in, and guest spambots were stopped dead in their tracks as of February due to the forced guest security code.
Now it seems spambots have taken a new angle: service wise. Lately, I’ve noticed that there are a lot of of “spam” Jcink Forum Boards being registered. You know, the kind of annoying spam you get in your email offering you pills, “sexy” images and the like. Yeah.
It would appear as though not even board host sign-ups are safe from the likes of spambots, perhaps a new type. Searching on google for “b1.jcink.com” - there’s a bit of a mess to clean up as some have pointed out in the forums. Actually, don’t search for it by the way. I wouldn’t click any of the links because I am cleaning them out, and I’ll show you why below.
These spam boards are very strange. They’re registered, usually under some proxy IP address or IP in another country. Then, they adjust the title. Then they edit the test forum, or 1 forum, and put down keywords much like this example site:
This wouldn’t be that horrible except that many of them don’t just leave that text. I’ve found dangerous redirects created in Javascript pasted in there (it’s been removed by me from the example link but it WAS there), and have started blocking encoded javascript in the forum descriptions. Some of them also leave a link like this:
<script language=”javascript” src=”http://clubzot.com/counter/?id=x”></script>
The link usually redirects to some inappropriate site or other material. I’d block that site, personally, in your browser/firewall/whatever if I were you.
What I’ve gathered from studying this issue is that pattern of registration and use is pretty consistent. Every board, the owners do the same things. I’m thinking that there are now service-based board spambots popping up, either that, or someone has a lot of time on their hands to keep making all these boards.
It’s also interesting to note that the links are spammed in google as well by OTHER spambots that do regular forum spam. So we’re taking about one huge giant sticky ball of spam here.
Fortunately, these boards don’t really gather a lot of attention since they are spam. So people won’t run into them often, if ever. But they are very annoying and I don’t like seeing “this site may be harmful” on google for those links.
Therefore, you’ll notice that to get a new forum, as of today, you must enter a security code. It’s quick, it’s simple, no different than what you’re used to for signinig up at sites. I seriously can’t believe though that spammers have become this aggressive. So much for Google thinking a while back that spam is “dying.”